I am a Big Villain Chapter 72.1

Who Made Me an Honest Man 10

Translator: Kieshi

Editor/Proofreader: –

Status: Unedited

“Comrade Police, why did you take people with you at night? Little Chu is very well-behaved. Is there any misunderstanding about this?”

Mrs. Fang was the first one to stand up. She looked at Liang Zhizhi, who was supported by a policewoman with tears in her eyes, and intuitively felt that the other party had made this incident.

“It’s not a big problem. It’s a family dispute. We’ll help mediate when we go back to the police station.”

What the police were most afraid of was this kind of domestic affairs. Once one of the spouses called the police to report domestic violence, which was not serious, they would deal with it in a lenient manner, focusing on critical education. They would only detain them unless severely beaten.

“What family dispute? I want to sue him for marital rape.”

Liang Zhizhi raised her head. Her eyes were red, and her tears ran down: “I’ve just been out of confinement for two months, so he is eager to do that stuff. He knows how tired I am to take care of the child these days. It’s good to sleep for three or four hours a night. Can’t he bear it for the sake of the child? I don’t like it, but he still beats me. He’s not a man, a beast. I want to divorce him.”

Her accusation attracted the sympathy of the young policewoman who had just stepped into the society beside her. At this moment, the little policewoman looked at Yan Chu as if she were looking at some scum.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but please read the rest of my machine translations here

You’re currently reading the translation at kieshitl.wordpress.com

Let’s Talk Corner:
Kieshi: Sorry to split the chapter. The arc’s end and the face-slap are in the next update.

Many thanks in advance for liking, reading, responding, and the advice <(_ _*)>



[1] 衣冠禽兽 [yīguān qínshòu]: lit. dressed-up animal (idiom); fig. immoral and despicable person

[2] 甩手掌柜 [shuǎishǒu zhǎngguì]: lit. arm-flinging shopkeeper; fig. somebody who asks others to work but does nothing herself